Obtaining DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) and DIN (Director Identification Number)
Application for Name Approval
Drafting and execution of LLP Agreement
LLP Incorporation Certificate
Applying for PAN & TAN (Permanent Account Number and Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number)
Opening a Bank Account
Any individual, company, or LLP can become a partner in an LLP. However, only individuals can become designated partners.
Yes, non-resident Indians and foreign nationals can start an LLP business in India. They need to submit the necessary documents, duly notarized by the relevant authorities. It is important to note that at least one designated partner in the LLP should be an Indian national.
An LLP can be started by a group of individuals or entities willing to invest in a business. According to the LLP Act of 2008, individuals or investors become partners based on the LLP agreement. The partners are the owners of the business established under the LLP structure.
Dispute Management
Financial Advisory
Personal Advisory
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